Student events

The 2020 golden play final round – the rise of new comers

The 2020 Golden Play final round has ended with the victory of Nguyen Vu Minh Khanh from class 19AV114.

Nguyen Vu Minh Khanh – the winner of The 2020 Golden Play

The top 6 finalists included Do Cao Viet, Nguyen Thanh Toan, Truong Thanh Long, Nguyen Vu Minh Khanh, Tran Trung Tin, and Tran Thi Hong Thuong.

In the final round, in addition to the excellence of the contestants, the organizers also welcomed professional teachers who were present in the panel – Mr. Grant Ackermann, Mr. Eduard Garces and Mr. Le Duc Thinh – the Acting Dean of English Language Faculty. The judges kicked off the final round with their general statements about the competition, comments on their progress and words of encouragement to the contestants.

Ban giám khảo cuộc thi

Panel of judges: Mr. Eduard Garces, Mr. Le Duc Thinh – The Acting Dean and Mr. Grant Ackermann

The final round included two challenges.

Challenge 1 “More facts about me”: The six contestants shared more information about themselves based on a given keyword. After that, the judges asked more questions of ‘this or that’ to which the contestant answered by stating their choices along with brief justifications. This challenge required the candidates to show spontaneity in their presentation in English as well as quick reflexes in answering questions.

Candidate giving presentations to the panel and the audience

Challenge 2 “It's my voice”: the candidates gave their opinion on a recent social issue and answer questions from the judges. This test required the candidates to use English more fluently when expressing opinions with rigorous and logical reasoning.

The judges and FEL teachers gave comments on the performances after each challenge.

The most interesting part is probably the game for audience who were to answers questions about the contestants' vlogs posted on the faculty fan page.

After the exciting challenges, the organizers announced the results and present the prizes.

1. Gold Creator Award went to Nguyen Vu Minh Khanh from 19AV114

2. Silver Creator Award went to Tran Trung Tin from 19AV113 and Do Cao Viet from 17AV111

3. Consolation prizes were presented to Nguyen Thanh Toan from 16AV112, Truong Thanh Long from 18AV113 and Tran Hong Thuong from 19AV112.

The judges, the support team, FEL teachers and students in a group photo

The Golden Play was a contest that attracted a lot of attention and positive reactions from the community. This was the first time the Faculty of English Language - Lac Hong University held an English Speaking Contest in a format like this. After this contest, students will participate in a bigger competition – the National English Olympiad.

English Department

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